This is the first place you go to when you die. From here you must decide one of two things, though you always have both options available. You may either travel to a different location, or train with Enma Daio.

To train with Enma Daio you must have a PL of at least 5,000,000. Enma Daio will teach you the technique Stamina Recharge which will take eight days.

If you decide to travel to a location, it takes two days to fly any-and-everywhere with the exception of the North, East, South, and West Kai's planets. Running Snakeway, which is required to get TO North, East, South, and West Kai's planets, is the exception. You are NOT allowed to teleport TO the North, East, South, and West Kai's planets. You may teleport FROM their planets, and to and from any other location. You may also choose to fly FROM their planets.

When you decide to travel you must take into consideration your alignment. If you are positively aligned you are not allowed in Hell. However, this does not mean you CAN'T enter Hell. The opposite is true as well. If you are negatively aligned you are not allowed to enter Heaven. Again, this does not mean you can't enter Heaven. Your alignment will determine how long your prescence can remain hidden. Alignments of +/-5 will have one day until an Afterlife Guardian attacks. +/-4 will have two days, +-3 will have three days and +/-2 will have four days. When an Afterlife Guardian attacks you, all of your activies immediately cancel and you must focus all your attention on the fight. The Afterlife Guardian will be played by an administrator or designated player. If you win the fight, the Afterlife Guardian enters Wounded Status Mode and you have another set of days until the second Afterlife Guardian attacks.

There are three Afterlife Guardians for Heaven and three for Hell. If you defeat all three Afterlife Guardians of either Heaven or Hell you will have free roaming privledges until you leave the area. If you lose at anytime to an Afterlife Guardian you will be sent to Purgatory for three days. If you continue your attack after an Afterlife Guardian is wounded and kill the Afterlife Guardian, ALL SIX Afterlife Guardians will attack you at once (Yes all six. You killed an Afterlife Guardian, where do you think it will go?). If this happens, and you lose (Extremely likely) you will be banished to Purgatory for 15 days. The stats of the Afterlife Guardians can be found here. Any Afterlife Guardian that is killed will be revived after the 6 vs 1 fight is over, no matter if you win or lose.

People of neutral alignment may go whever they please, though not without a price. For every time a Neutral person enters either Heaven or Hell, they will get a "tick" indicating which area it is/was and for every two "ticks" you receive for that area, you will be sent to Purgatory for three days to be "cleansed". This is not for EVERY place within Heaven or Hell. It is for every time you enter either Heaven or Hell. "Ticks" do not cancel each other out and can not be gotten rid of except by RolePlay via a Role-Play Quest or by a wish.

Attacking someone in the Afterlife of the same, general, alignment, is considered foul play. If you are positively aligned and attack another positively aligned person, you will be sent to Purgatory for two days. The same for negatively aligned people. Once again neutral people are free from having to follow this rule.

If you are DEFEATED while in The Afterlife you must spend three days in Purgatory, afterwhich time you will be fully healed. There is NO Wounded Status Mode while dead and NO dieing while dead. The only "death" you have to worry about is if you are dead, teleport to the Mortal Universe and then lose a battle. Please visit Maikai for more information on this.
Check-In Station
Being dead ain't so bad...
